Netled and Groeipassie have agreed on representation of Netled professional horticultural lighting products in Netherlands.
Starting from beginning of March 2013 Groeipassie will be the first point of contact in Netherland region on professional LED lighting inquiries. Groeipassie is a local greenhouse technology supplier in Netherlands located nearby Schiphol airport, now moving focus more and more into horticultural LED products.
“Netled is well known Finnish led lighting system provider focusing on horticultural applications. By this agreement we will be key players in horticultural led market in the Netherlands. Considering the emerging led market we will be in the right place at the right time offering very competitive led solutions for Dutch companies. Netled products are not only one of the best measured by performance, but also very innovative by design and overall feasibility. We are looking forward to start negotiations with customers in the Netherlands since we have such high quality and competitive products to offer.” – Eduard Groeneveld, Groeipassie
By this agreement Groeipassie will gain wide offering of LED products for all kinds of purposes from general growth lighting to highly sophisticated special lighting projects. Netled on the other hand will expand its operating markets from Eastern-Europe, Russia and Finland into the heart of horticulture, the Netherlands.
“This is the first step to gain more market share from Central-European markets. Netled has outstanding product line which is expanding with one or two products each year. It would be shame not to offer these products into most significant market area as well. Groeipassie is an excellent partner for us to achieve this goal since they have experience on horticultural supply sales as well as greenhouse production. Their location is also very good – in the middle region of the Netherlands they are not far from from the biggest greenhouse production areas in the Netherlands.” -Niko Kivioja, Netled Oy.
“This is the first step to gain more market share from Central-European markets. Netled has outstanding product line which is expanding with one or two products each year. It would be shame not to offer these products into most significant market area as well. Groeipassie is an excellent partner for us to achieve this goal since they have experience on horticultural supply sales as well as greenhouse production. Their location is also very good – in the middle region of the Netherlands they are not far from from the biggest greenhouse production areas in the Netherlands.” -Niko Kivioja, Netled Oy.
Plant Regulerend Systeem (PRS)
Met passie de groei, en rendementsverbetering van uw product verwezenlijken. Hierbij heeft u natuurlijk de kennis en wij het product om dit te realiseren.
Wij willen met innovatieve producten die hun nut hebben bewezen het rendement van de kweker verbeteren. Groeipassie staat daarbij voor persoonlijke service waarbij wij doen wat we zeggen en zeggen wat we doen!
In 2010 zijn wij om die reden distributeur in Nederland geworden van het unieke en gepatenteerde PRS-systeem. Het PRS systeem heeft zijn nut d.m.v. proeven reeds bewezen, de WUR (University & Research centre) is begin 2011 begonnen met het wetenschappelijk beproeven van dit systeem en de eerste resultaten zijn zoals verwacht positief.
Uit eigen ervaring met het systeem is onder meer naar voren gekomen dat het systeem:
Voor +/- 35% waterbesparend en de groeiperiode ingekort wordt met 12 tot 35%.
Heeft u vragen over dit systeem of u wilt het graag zelf beproeven met eigen kennis en kunde neem dan contact op.
Dit plantregulerende systeem geeft de wortel meer lucht en
water en dit geeft meer RENDEMENT door:
- Sensationeel verbeterde wortelontwikkeling
- Besparend op groeimiddelen
- Waterbesparend
- Minder kans op ziekten
- Minder uitval
- Uniformer gewas